The RECERCA journal, indexed in Philosopher’s Index, CINDOC and Latindex, and which began in its current format in 2001, is looking for a fresh impulse this year with a new website (which will be launched in April 2012 with the publication of issue 12 of the journal) and the introduction of the peer review system in order to improve the visibility and scientific quality of the journal. The editors of the journal would like to encourage the submission of publication proposals on RECERCA’s subjects of interest by 30 April 2012.
A proposal must consist of 750 words explaining the interest of the specific subject that would be developed in the issue and determining the key elements that would be examined. A list of possible authors for the proposed issue must also be included (at least 6 contributors will be required). The articles may be written in Spanish, Catalan or English.
The chosen issue editors will be responsible for bringing out the issue and they will obtain 25 printed copies of the journal when it is published. Number 13 must come out in April 2013 and number 14, in April 2014. The issue editors will be registered in the OJS web system for working on the journal and carrying out peer review, receiving help from the journal editors in carrying out this task. The journal will also be available online for public access to the articles and information.
The decision on the proposals accepted will be made by the editorial board before 31 May.